Enterprise Centers® extend access to a wider range of potential employees; establish an ‘expanded’ presence in multiple communities; and achieves a more balanced work-life for employees. Better working conditions deliver higher productivity and result in longer employee retention. Secure connectivity protects data and communications. Secure distributeddesign assures a higher level of responsiveness and heightens continuity of operations in times of emergencies.
Enterprise Centers® provide immediate relief in the cost, time and stress of commuting. There is the assurance that they are located in a center dedicated to the fullest use of converged technologies and collaborative work processes for improved productivity. The savings in time is the equivalent of several work weeks per year. Time saved in less commuting and access to Enterprise Centers® expands the opportunity for ongoing training and education.
Community residents who have the opportunity to work from an Enterprise Center have more time to spend with their families and to participate in community events. The greater 'retained earnings' have an economic multiplier effect and The ‘closer presence’ of more employers opens opportunities to part time working parents, students, and those with special needs. Communities with an Enterprise Center will be able to offer more employment opportunities - locally.
A regional network of Enterprise Centers® is a specific distributed design approach to reduce the number of long distance commuters by substantially reducing vehicle miles traveled. By shifting the primary work location for a percentage of employees closer to their respective living communities, a more rapid, permanent, predictable and consistent reduction in vehicle miles traveled can be achieved. The nature of Enterprise Centers® is to provide a more manageable and responsive organizational structure.